The Composting and Organics Association of Missouri is a non-profit corporation of public and private organizations and individuals dedicated to increasing the quality, value and usage of recycled organics in Missouri by providing education, information and resources and promoting activities and legislation that build healthy soils, benefit people and minimize negative environmental impacts.

Land of Lakes Compost Facility
St. Peter's Compost Facility

Missouri's Organics Finished Product
St. Louis Composting Belleville Facility

City of Sedalia Compost facility

St. Louis Composting Facility
The Composting and Organics Association of Missouri is dedicated to the development, expansion and promotion of the composting and organics industry throughout Missouri. We will reach our mission by:
• Promoting best practices
• Establishing standards
• Educating professionals and the public
• Enhancing product quality
• Uniting as an industry to uphold yard waste bans in Missouri
We hope that by being a part of our organization, all members and supporters will help to uphold this mission.
COAM was formed in 2010 by leaders in the Composting and Organics Industries in Missouri and continues to grow throughout the state of Missouri. By uniting as a single unit, we can provide quantifiable effects that we have on the organics industry. Our goal is also to help to advance the organics industry throughout the state.